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Data Interchange

File Transfer Security

SolidWorks 2004 Advice on STL creation available.
PTC Pro/Engineer 2000i2 & Wildfire
Materialise Magics RP Rapid Prototyping software.
Autodesk DWF
Materialise Magics Communicator Internet based STL viewing package allowing customers to share 3D files with 3T RPD via the internet.
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Photo/Image editing software.

CAD/CAM Systems currently in use:

.STL Rapid Prototyping file (Binary with 0.01mm tolerance preferred)
.IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification universal translator
.STEP International Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data
.SET Standard for Exchange & Transfer V89-06
.VDA Surfaced Data Interface V2.0
.SLDPRT Solidworks model file
.EXP Catia export file
.MDL Catia native model file
.EPS Encapsulated PostScript format file*
.DXF 2D drafting translator*
.DXF 3D faces
.DWG AutoCad drawing file*
.PRT Pro/Engineer Part file
.BMP Windows Bitmap image format file*
.JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group image file*
.TIFF Tagged-Image File Format image file*
.WRL VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language)*
.OBJ Wavefront Model file*

*Please note: that while we can read these file formats, they are only 2D and hence do not include sufficient information to drive the modelling process. 2D-3D conversion is required.

File Compression Types used by DSW professional moulding include:

EXE DOS executable file
ZIP WinZip compression file
SIT Macintosh Stuffit compression file
MGX Materialise Magics compression file

If any of these files are not possible, please contact us for alternative requirements.

Electronic Connectivity (ISDN):

E-mail: [email protected]
FTP: Please call for details.

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