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Mold Standard
Normal Steel
International code AISIEurope code DINSteel brandFactory hardnessAnti-stress strength Heat treatment methodCategories and applications
1045 1040 1050 1.1730ASSAB 760 K-100 DAIDO P113~18HRC600N/m㎡Water quenchingKing brand, usually for die holder plate, ejecting pin plate, support head and curb pin
P201.2738ASSAB 718 DAIDO P88X,P-5 DESHENG 2311 A FINKL P2028~32HRC915N/m㎡~1100N/m㎡Usually for inner die inlay partsNo hardness but common plastic inner die is needed.
P20H1.02711ASSAB 718 HI DESHENG 711 A FINKL P20H35~38HRC1000N/m㎡~1200N/m㎡No hardnesscommon plastic inner die is needed.
H-131.2344ASSAB 8407 A FINKL H13 DESHENG 2344 ESR190 HB(12HRC) 650N/m㎡(hardness to1400N/m㎡)Fine inlay piece wind quench large inlay piece oil quench double temperingDo not be used for die, ejecting, skate board, and ejecting pin, hardness to 48~52HRC
0-11.2510ASSAB DF-2 DESHENG 25100180H-220 HB (10~18HRC)Oil quenchFor low temperature working skate gasket, inlay and strip hardness to 54~56HRC
S-7ASSAB S-7 DESHENG 2379200HB(15HRC)At least three times tempering for oil quenchUsually for shock die, press board and gasket hardness to 54~56HRC
4201.2083STAVAX S-136 A FINKL 420 DESHENG 2083 ESR180~200HB(10~15HRC)High temperature tempering915~1200N/m㎡Double tempering for oil and win tempering common application:48~52hrc mirror polishing piece is needed:52~54HRC injection PVC piece:46~48HRC
420H1.2316S-136H DESHENG 2316 ESR32~34HRC915~1200N/m㎡No hardness is neededIt fits for injection pvc with good corrosion resistant property.
P41.2341ASSAB 841695~100HBSurface carburizationCladding steel: for complex mode steel, duplicate money and button (rarely use at present)hardness to 62HRC
D21.2379ASSAB XW41210~240HB(15~22HRC)tempering for oil quenchCooling steel: for die, pin, inlay, wear proof piece and plastic material diving inlay
BeCuMOLDMAX DESHENG B240~42HRC1240N/m㎡Age hardening (330℃/3hr)Beryllium copper: Featured by fast heat transmission, it’s useful to go where the water can not reach.
A1-BronzeCup copperIt is harder than bronze and fits for inner mold cavity inter-lock, which can reduce working loss.