我们向顾客承诺:我们尽可能的转交正确的文件资料。 所有外来文件我们都经过仔细的检查,尽管如此我们还是会遇到电安全系统方面的问题,当系统不能打开文件时,请检测安全系统.
CAD/CAM 系统正确的使用方法:
SolidWorks 2010 | Advice on STL creation available. |
PTC Pro/Engineer 2010i2 & Wildfire | |
Materialise Magics RP | Rapid Prototyping software. |
Autodesk | DWF |
Materialise Magics Communicator | Internet based STL viewing package allowing customers to share 3D files with 3T RPD via the internet. |
Adobe Photoshop 9.0 | Photo/Image editing software. |
DSW文件类型 :
.STL | Rapid Prototyping file (Binary with 0.01mm tolerance preferred) |
.IGES | Initial Graphics Exchange Specification universal translator |
.STEP | Internation铝材标牌 for Exchange of Product Model Data |
.SET | Standard for Exchange & Transfer V89-06 |
.VDA | Surfaced Data Interface V2.0 |
.SLDPRT | Solidworks model file |
.EXP | Catia export file |
.MDL | Catia native model file |
.EPS | Encapsulated PostScript format file* |
.DXF | 2D drafting translator* |
.DXF | 3D faces |
.DWG | AutoCad drawing file* |
.PRT | Pro/Engineer Part file |
.BMP | Windows Bitmap image format file* |
.JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group image file* |
.TIFF | Tagged-Image File Format image file* |
.WRL | VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language)* |
.OBJ | Wavefront Model file* |
EXE | DOS executable file |
ZIP | WinZip compression file |
SIT | Macintosh Stuffit compression file |
MGX | Materialise Magics compression file |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Website: | http://www.plastec.org/ |
FTP: | Please call for details. |
- 数据文件能够通过我们的服务器使得E-mail发送成功并很迅速是非常重要的。
- 在发送文件之前应该先压缩.
- 我们能接收的每个文件容量是在20M以内.
- 如果你的文件大于20M,请打电话给我们,让我们处理您的文件,使它能够被服务器接受.