plastic injection technology and aluminum die casting


151 GB/T 4257-1984 扩孔钻技术条件 Core drills--Technical requirements
152 GB/T 4258-1984 60°、90°、120°直柄锥面锪钻 Countersinks with parallel shanks for angles 60°90°and 120°inclusive
153 GB/T 4259-1984 锥面锪钻技术条件 Countersinks--technical requirements
154 GB/T 4260-1984 带导柱直柄平底锪钻 Counterbores with parallel shanks and solid pilots
155 GB/T 4261-1984 带可换导柱锥柄平底锪钻 Counterbores with morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
156 GB/T 4262-1984 平底锪钻技术条件 Counterbores--technical requirements
157 GB/T 4263-1984 带导柱直柄90°锥面锪钻 90°Countersinks with parallel shanks and solid pilots
158 GB/T 4264-1984 带可换导柱锥柄90°锥面锪钻 90°Countersinks with morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
159 GB/T 4265-1984 90°锥面锪钻技术条件 90°Countersinks--technical requirements
160 GB/T 4266-1984 锪钻用可换导柱 Detachable pilots for use with counterbores and countersinks
161 GB/T 4267-1984 直柄回转工具用柄部直径和传动方头尺寸 Rotating tools with parallel shanks--Diameters of shanks and sizes of driving squares
162 GB/T 4388-1995 呆扳手、梅花扳手、两用扳手的型式 Types of open-end wrenches, box wrenches and combination wrenches
163 GB/T 4389-1995 螺钉与螺母的装配工具 双头呆扳手、双头梅花扳手、两用扳手头部外形的最大尺寸 Assembly tool for screws and nuts-Openend double-head engineers wrenches, doublehead box wrenches and combination wrenches-Maximum outside dimensions of heads
164 GB/T 4390-1995 公制扳手开口和扳手孔的常用公差 Spanner gaps and sockets-Metric series-tolerances for general use
165 GB/T 4391-1995 双头扳手的对边尺寸组配 Combinations of double-end wrenche gaps
166 GB/T 4392-1995 敲击呆扳手和敲击梅花扳手 Slugging open-end wrenches and slugging box wrenches
167 GB/T 4393-1995 呆扳手?梅花扳手、两用扳手 技术规范 Open-end wrenches, box wrenches and combination wrenches-Technical specifications
168 GB/T 4676-1984 普通磨料取样方法 Method for sampling of conventional abrasive grains
169 GB/T 4678.1-1984 压铸模零件 模块 Die-cast die components--Mold plates

170 GB/T 4678.2-1984 压铸模零件 圆形镶块 Die-cast die components--Round insert blocks
171 GB/T 4678.3-1984 压铸模零件 矩形镶块 Die-cast die components--Rectangular insert blocks
172 GB/T 4678.4-1984 压铸模零件 A型导柱 Die-cast die components--Guide pins type A
173 GB/T 4678.5-1984 压铸模零件 B型导柱 Die-cast die components--Guide pins type B
174 GB/T 4678.6-1984 压铸模零件 A型导套 Die-cast die components--Guide bushings type A
175 GB/T 4678.7-1984 压铸模零件 B型导套 Die-cast die components--Guide bushings type B
176 GB/T 4678.8-1984 压铸模零件 推板 Die-cast die components--Ejector plates
177 GB/T 4678.9-1984 压铸模零件 推板导柱 Die-cast die components--Guide pins for ejector plate
178 GB/T 4678.10-1984 压铸模零件 推板导套 Die-cast die components--Guide bushings for ejector plate
179 GB/T 4678.11-1984 压铸模零件 推杆 Die-cast die components--Ejector pins
180 GB/T 4678.12-1984 压铸模零件 复位杆 Die-cast die components--Return pins
181 GB/T 4678.13-1984 压铸模零件 推板垫圈 Die-cast die components--Ejector plate washers
182 GB/T 4678.14-1984 压铸模零件 限位钉 Die-cast die components--Stop pins
183 GB/T 4678.15-1984 压铸模零件 垫块 Die-cast die components--Spacer blocks
184 GB/T 4679-1984 压铸模零件技术条件 Specification of the die-cast die components
185 GB/T 4755-1984 扭簧比较仪 Microkator
186 GB/T 5102-1985 渐开线花键拉刀技术条件 Broaches for involute spline technical specifications
187 GB/T 5103-1985 渐开线花键滚刀通用技术条件 The general technical specifications for involute splines hobs
188 GB/T 5104-1985 30°压力角渐开线花键滚刀基本型式和尺寸 The basic types and dimensions of hobs for 30°pressure angle involute splines
189 GB/T 5105-1985 45°压力角渐开线花键滚刀基本型式和尺寸 The basic types and dimensions of hobs for 45°pressure angle involute splines
190 GB/T 5106-1985 圆柱直齿渐开线花键量规 Gauges for straight cylindrical involute splines
191 GB/T 5305-1985 手工具包装、标志、运输与贮存 Packaging,marking,transportation and storage of hand tools
192 GB/T 5340-1985 可转位立铣刀 Endmilling cutters with indexable inserts
193 GB/T 5341-1985 可转位三面刃铣刀 Side and facemilling cutters with indexable inserts
194 GB/T 5342-1985 可转位面铣刀 Facemilling cutters with indexable inserts
195 GB/T 5343.1-1993 可转位车刀及刀夹型号表示规则 Turning toolholders and cartridges for indexable inserts--Designation
196 GB/T 5343.2-1993 可转位车刀型式尺寸和技术条件 Turning tools with indexable inserts--Types,dimensions and technical specifications
197 GB/T 5344-1985 普通磨料微粉粒度沉降管测定方法 Sedimentation tube testing method of conventional abrasive microgrits
198 GB/T 5388-1985 链锯 导板 Chain saw--Guide bar
199 GB/T 5389-1985 链锯 锯链 Chain saws--Saw chain
200 GB/T 5391-1985 油锯 台架试验方法 Gasoline powered chain saws--Bench test methods

201 GB/T 5766-1996 摩擦材料洛氏硬度试验方法 Test method of Rockwell hardness for friction materials
202 GB/T 5806-1986 锉刀通用技术条件 General technical condition of files
203 GB/T 5807-1986 锉刀试验方法 Test methods of files
204 GB/T 5808-1986 锉刀检验规则、标志与包装 Test regulations, marking and packaging of files
205 GB/T 5809-1986 锉刀分类、编号规则 Classification and numbering regulations of files
206 GB/T 6060.2-1985 表面粗糙度比较样块 磨、车、镗、铣、插及刨加工表面 Roughness comparison specimens--Ground, turned, bored,milled, shaped and planed
207 GB/T 6060.3-1986 表面粗糙度比较样块 电火花加工表面 Roughness comparison specimens--Spark-erosion machining surfaces
208 GB/T 6060.4-1988 表面粗糙度比较样块 抛光加工表面 Roughness comparison specimens--Polshed surfaces
209 GB/T 6060.5-1988 表面粗糙度比较样块 抛(喷)丸、喷砂加工表面 Roughness comparison specimens--Shot-blasted and grit-blasted surfaces
210 GB/T 6062-1985 轮廓法触针式表面粗糙度测量仪 轮廓记录仪及中线制轮廓计 Stylus instruments for the measurement of surface roughness by the profile method profile recording instruments and profile meters by the system M

211 GB/T 6081-1985 直齿插齿刀的基本型式和尺寸 The basic type and dimensions for spur shaper cutters
212 GB/T 6082-1985 直齿插齿刀通用技术条件 The general technical specifications for spur shaper cutters
213 GB/T 6083-1985 齿轮滚刀的基本型式和尺寸 The basic types and dimensions for gear hobs
214 GB/T 6084-1985 齿轮滚刀通用技术条件 The general technical specifications for gear hobs
215 GB/T 6091-1985 刀口形直尺 Straight edge
216 GB/T 6092-1985 90°角尺 Squares 90°
217 GB/T 6093-1985 量块 Gauge blocks
218 GB/T 6117.1-1996 立铣刀 第1部分: 直柄立铣刀的型式和尺寸 End mills--Part 1: Milling cutters with parallel shanks
219 GB/T 6117.2-1996 立铣刀 第2部分: 莫氏锥柄立铣刀的型式和尺寸 End mills--Part 2: Milling cutters with morse taper shanks
220 GB/T 6117.3-1996 立铣刀 第3部分: 7/24锥柄立铣刀的型式和尺寸 End mills--Part 3: Milling cutters with 7/24 taper shanks
221 GB/T 6118-1996 立铣刀 技术条件 End mills--Technical specifications
222 GB/T 6119.1-1996 三面刃铣刀 型式和尺寸 Side and face milling cutter--Tapes and dimensions
223 GB/T 6119.2-1996 三面刃铣刀 技术条件 Side and face milling cutter--Technical specifications
224 GB/T 6120-1996 锯片铣刀 型式和尺寸 Metal slitting saws--Types and dimensions
225 GB/T 6121-1996 锯片铣刀 技术条件 Metal slitting saws--Technical specifications
226 GB/T 6122-1985 圆角铣刀 Corner-rounding cutters
227 GB/T 6124.1-1996 T型槽铣刀 第1部分: 直柄T型槽铣刀的型式和尺寸 T-slot cutters--Part 1: Dimensions of T-slot cutters with plain or flated parallel shanks
228 GB/T 6124.2-1996 T型槽铣刀 第2部分: 莫氏锥柄T型槽铣刀的型式和尺寸 T-slot cutters--Part 2: Dimensions of T-slot cutters with Morse taper shanks with tapped holes
229 GB/T 6125-1996 T型槽铣刀 技术条件 T-slot cutters--Technical specifications
230 GB/T 6128.1-1996 角度铣刀 第1部分: 单角铣刀的型式和尺寸 Angle milling cutter--Part 1: The types and dimensions for single angle cutters
231 GB/T 6128.2-1996 角度铣刀 第2部分: 不对称双角铣刀的型式和尺寸 Angle milling cutter--Part 2: The types and dimensions for double unequal-angle cutters
232 GB/T 6128.3-1996 角度铣刀 第3部分: 对称双角铣刀的型式和尺寸 Angle milling cutter--Part 3: The types and dimensions for double equal-angle cutters
233 GB/T 6129-1996 角度铣刀 技术条件 Angle cutters--Technical specifications
234 GB/T 6130-1985 镶片圆锯 Segmental circular metal cutting saws
235 GB/T 6131.1-1996 铣刀直柄 第1部分: 普通直柄的型式和尺寸 Parallel shanks for milling cutters--Part 1: Dimensional characteristics of plain parallel shanks
236 GB/T 6131.2-1996 铣刀直柄 第2部分: 削平直柄的型式和尺寸 Parallel shanks for milling cutters--Part 2: Dimensional characteristics of flatted parallel shanks
237 GB/T 6131.3-1996 铣刀直柄 第3部分: 2°斜削平直柄的型式和尺寸 Parallel shanks for milling cutters--Part 3: Dimensional characteristics of parallel shanks with 2°angular flats
238 GB/T 6131.4-1996 铣刀直柄 第4部分: 螺纹柄的型式和尺寸 Parallel shanks for milling cutters--Part 4: Dimensional characteristics of screwed shanks
239 GB/T 6133-1985 削平型直柄刀具夹头 Tool chucks for flated parallel shank tools
240 GB/T 6135.1-1996 直柄麻花钻 第1部分: 粗直柄小麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Parallel shank twist drills--Part 1: The types and dimensions for small type twist drills with oversize parallel shank
241 GB/T 6135.2-1996 直柄麻花钻 第2部分: 直柄短麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Parallel shank twist drills--Part 2: The types and dimensions for parallel shank stub series twist drills
242 GB/T 6135.3-1996 直柄麻花钻 第3部分: 直柄麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Parallel shank twist drills--Part 3: The types and dimesnions for parallel shank jobber series twist drills
243 GB/T 6135.4-1996 直柄麻花钻 第4部分: 直柄长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Parallel shank twist drills--Part 4: The types and dimensions for parallel shank long series twist drills
244 GB/T 6135.5-1996 直柄麻花钻 第5部分: 直柄超长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Parallel shank twist drills--Part 5: The types and dimensions for extra long parallel shank twist drills
245 GB/T 6289-1986 夹扭钳和剪切钳 术语 Pliers and nippers--Nomenclature
246 GB/T 6290-1986 夹扭钳和剪切钳 通用技术条件 Pliers and nippers--General technical requirements
247 GB/T 6291-1986 夹扭钳和剪切钳 试验方法 Pliers and nippers--Methods of test
248 GB/T 6292-1986 夹扭钳和剪切钳 检验规则 Inspection for pliers and nippers
249 GB/T 6309-1986 千分表 Dial indicators
250 GB/T 6311-1986 大量程百分表 Long range dial gauges
251 GB/T 6312-1986 壁厚千分尺 Tube micrometers
252 GB/T 6313-1986 尖头千分尺 Point micrometers
253 GB/T 6314-1986 三爪内径千分尺 Three point internal micrometers
254 GB/T 6315-1996 游标万能角度尺 Vernier universal bevel protractor
255 GB/T 6316-1996 齿厚游标卡尺 Gear tooth vernier calipers
256 GB/T 6317-1993 带表卡尺 Dial calipers
257 GB/T 6321-1986 光学扭簧测微计 Spring-optical measuring heads,opticators
258 GB/T 6322-1986 光滑极限量规型式和尺寸 Types and dimensions of plain limit gauges
259 GB/T 6335.1-1996 旋转和旋转冲击式硬质合金建工钻 第1部分: 尺寸 Rotary and rotary impact masonry drill bits with hardmetal tips--Part 1: Dimensions
260 GB/T 6335.2-1996 旋转和旋转冲击式硬质合金建工钻 第2部分: 技术条件 Rotary and rotary impact masonry drill bits with hardmetal tips--Part 2: Technical specifications

261 GB/T 6338-1986 直柄燕尾槽铣刀和直柄反燕尾槽铣刀 Dovetail and inverse dovetail milling cutters with plain parallel shanks
262 GB/T 6339-1986 削平型直柄燕尾槽铣刀和削平型直柄反燕尾槽铣刀 Dovetail and inverse dovetail milling cutters with flatted parallel shanks
263 GB/T 6340-1986 直柄燕尾槽铣刀和直柄反燕尾槽铣刀技术条件 Dovetail and inrerse dovetail milling cutters with parallel shanks technical specificatians
264 GB/T 6405-1994 人造金刚石和立方氮化硼 品种 Types of synthetic diamond and cubic boron nitride
265 GB/T 6406-1996 超硬磨料 金刚石或立方氮化硼颗粒尺寸 Super abrasive--Grain sizes of diamond or cubic boron nitride
266 GB/T 6408-1986 立方氮化硼技术条件 Technical requirements for cubic boron nitride
267 GB/T 6409.1-1994 超硬磨具和锯 形状总览、标记 Superhard abrasive products and saws---General survey designation
268 GB/T 6409.2-1996 超硬磨料制品 金刚石或立方氮化硼磨具 形状和尺寸 Abrasive products--Diamond or cubic boron nitride grinding tools--Form and dimensions
269 GB/T 6409.3-1986 金钢石或立方氮化硼磨具 带柄油石 Diamond or cubic boron nitride--Hand sticks
270 GB/T 6409.4-1986 金刚石或立方氮化硼磨具 标志和包装 Marking and packing for diamond or cubic boron nitride abrasive products
271 GB/T 6467-1986 齿轮渐开线样板 The involute master of gear
272 GB/T 6468-1986 齿轮螺旋线样板 The helix master of gear
273 GB/T 6866-1986 园艺工具 分类与命名 Garden tools classification and nomenclature
274 GB/T 6867-1986 园艺工具 检验规则、标志与包装 Rules of inspection, marking and packaging for gerden tools
275 GB/T 6966.1-1986 人造金刚石微粉和立方氮化硼微粉 品种 Types of synthetic diamond micropowder and cubic boron nitride micropowder
276 GB/T 7145-1986 磨料磁性物含量 Magnetic content of abrasive grains
277 GB/T 8061-1987 杠杆千分尺 Indicating micrometers
278 GB/T 8122-1987 内径百分表 Dial bore gauges
279 GB/T 8124-1987 梯形螺纹量规 技术条件 Gauges for metric trapezoidal scerew threads--Technical specifications
280 GB/T 8125-1987 梯形螺纹量规 型式和尺寸 Type and size of gauges for metric trapezoidal screw threads
281 GB/T 8177-1987 内径千分尺 Internal micrometers
282 GB/T 8389.2-1987 斧的通用技术条件 Axes--General technical requirements
283 GB/T 8844-1988 压铸模技术条件 Specification of the die-casting dies
284 GB/T 8845-1988 冲模术语 Terminology for dies
285 GB/T 8846-1988 塑料成型模具术语 Terminology of mould for plastics
286 GB/T 8847-1988 压力铸造模具术语 Terminology for die-casting die
287 GB/T 9056-1988 钢直尺 Steel rulers
288 GB/T 9057-1988 单杆式内径千分尺 Single-lody inside micrometers
289 GB/T 9058-1988 奇数沟千分尺 Odd fluted micrometer
290 GB/T 9062-1988 硬质合金错齿三面刃铣刀 Side and face milling cutters with double alternate helical teeth with carbide tips
291 GB/T 9205-1988 镶片齿轮滚刀 Insterted blaeds gear hobs
292 GB/T 9206-1988 硬质合金圆柱形旋转锉 Cylindrical hardmetal burrs
293 GB/T 9207-1988 硬质合金圆柱形球头旋转锉 Cylindrical round-(ball-) nose hardmetal burrs
294 GB/T 9208-1988 硬质合金圆球形旋转锉 Spherical hardmetal hurrs
295 GB/T 9209-1988 硬质合金椭圆形旋转锉 Oval hardmetal burrs
296 GB/T 9210-1988 硬质合金弧形圆头旋转锉 Arch round-(ball-) nose hardmetal burrs
297 GB/T 9211-1988 硬质合金弧形尖头旋转锉 Arch pointed-nose hardmetal burrs
298 GB/T 9212-1988 硬质合金火炬形旋转锉 Flame hardmetal burrs
299 GB/T 9213-1988 硬质合金60°和90°圆锥形旋转锉 60°and 90°cone hardmetal burrs
300 GB/T 9214-1988 硬质合金锥形圆头旋转锉 Conical round-(ball-) nose hardmetal burrs

2009年9月28日 | 发布:zhangjiebo | 分类:Injection Mold | 评论:0
